Wii Will Rock You

Thanks to a friend of mine who happened to be in the right place at the right time (thanks Ice), we are now the proud owners of a Nintendo Wii (pronounced “we”). For those not in the know, gameplay on the Wii focuses around the console’s unique controller. Games are played by waving a handheld remote around in front of your television, pretty much ensuring that you’re going to look like an idiot while playing (which makes watching people play the Wii almost as much fun as playing the Wii itself). The console supports four controllers but only comes with… (read more)

PS3 – I Snoozed, I Losed.

In October of 2000, my wife and I sat overnight outside the Mustang, Oklahoma Wal-Mart sitting in two cheap lawn chairs, waiting in line for the Playstation 2 to be released. It was a cold night; we wore winter coats and shared a blanket between us. We spent from 10pm one evening until 7am the following morning chatting with other hardcore videogame fanatics, holding our coveted positions in line (first and second, for the record). By calling ahead, we already knew the score — the Mustang wal-Mart had six PS2s in stock, and we were buying two of them. (Wal-Mart’s… (read more)

01 – Handy Guide to C64 Emulation

H.O.G. #01 – Handy Guide to C64 Emulation H.O.G. – Handy Online Guides Written by Rob “Flack” O’Hara Posted 03/02/2006 https://www.robohara.com/”p=364 — The Commodore 64 was a truly amazing machine, but its processing power is no match for the computers of today. With a clock speed of 1 megahertz and a display of 320×240 (16 colors), modern Pentium-based computers have no problem accurately emulating the Commodore 64. There are several Commodore 64 emulators available for Windows-based PCs. One of the simplest to set up, configure and use is WinVICE. My goal in this article is to not only help you… (read more)