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In the latest episode of Throwback Reviews, Sean, Door and I discuss the 1986 film Thrashin’. I can’t tell you how many times I rented and watched this movie back in the 80s when skateboarding was king. When our local video rental store went out of business and put all their old VHS tapes up for sale, I bought the same copy I had been renting for years. (I am assuming they only had one copy and not a huge pile of copies of Thrashin’ in the back store room — although in retrospect, that would be pretty rad.)
Episode 14 of Throwback Reviews will cover the classic 1985 film Goonies. We will be giving away a free copy of Goonies on DVD on the next episode, so listen to this episode to find out how to enter!
If you like 80s movies, skateboarding, or listening to guys well past their prime talk about the good ol’ days, check out the latest episode of Throwback Reviews. If you enjoy the show, be sure to come hang out with us on the Throwback Reviews Podcast Facebook Page or on Twitter (@ThrowbackReviews).
Link: Throwback Reviews 13: Thrashin’