Category Archives: Podcast

New Throwback Reviews Podcast: Thrashin’ (1986)

Are you team Dagger or team Ramp Local?

In the latest episode of Throwback Reviews, Sean, Door and I discuss the 1986 film Thrashin’. I can’t tell you how many times I rented and watched this movie back in the 80s when skateboarding was king. When our local video rental store went out of business and put all their old VHS tapes up for sale, I bought the same copy I had been renting for years. (I am assuming they only had one copy and not a huge pile of copies of Thrashin’ in the back store room — although in retrospect, that would be pretty rad.)

Episode 14 of Throwback Reviews will cover the classic 1985 film Goonies. We will be giving away a free copy of Goonies on DVD on the next episode, so listen to this episode to find out how to enter!

If you like 80s movies, skateboarding, or listening to guys well past their prime talk about the good ol’ days, check out the latest episode of Throwback Reviews. If you enjoy the show, be sure to come hang out with us on the Throwback Reviews Podcast Facebook Page or on Twitter (@ThrowbackReviews).

Link: Throwback Reviews 13: Thrashin’

Cameo Appearance on The Retroist Podcast

On the latest episode of The Retroist’s podcast, I have a brief cameo doing another “Talking Tech” segment. This episode is about the 1981 Gary Coleman film “On the Right Track,” which takes place (mostly) in Chicago’s Union Station, with several scenes shot in an arcade that was there at the time. During my short segment, I talk about several of the games that appear in the film including the easily identifiable, the not-so-easily identifiable, and one that appears to have been made specifically for the film.

Check out Episode 139 of the Retroist, On the Right Track.

YDKF Episode 136: Funspot Arcade

After a couple of weeks off, my podcast You Don’t Know Flack is back with a new episode dedicated to the Funspot Arcade. Funspot is the largest arcade in the world, and we recently visited Funspot during out vacation.

A few other notes: one, the voice mailbox number has changed. The new voice mailbox number for the podcast is 405-486-YDKF. That should be really simple to remember. That’s 405 (as in the OKC area code), 486 (as in the PC processor), YDKF (for You Don’t Know Flack). This one should not change.

If you’re relying on this particular feed to know when new podcasts are released, you shouldn’t. The most reliable way is to either subscribe to the YDKF RSS feed over at, join the You Don’t Know Flack Facebook page, or subscribe to the podcast on either iTunes or Stitcher.

A few other recent episodes include:

Episode 135: Backmasking
Episode 134: The OK Krackers
Episode 133: Ninjas
Episode 132: Yukon Software
Episode 131: Phun with Boxes

Thanks to everyone who downloads, listens to the show, and provides feedback! Assuming no more tornadoes and vacations, the show should be back on track!

Talking Back to the Future on the Adventure Club Podcast

Prolific podcaster Guy Hutchison recently asked me to join him on a bonus episode of the Adventure Club Podcast to discuss a favorite topic of the Adventure Club’s, Back to the Future. We were also joined by Paxton Holley (co-host of the Nerd Lunch Podcast and owner of the Cavalcade of Awesome) and Tim Lybarger (who has everything you ever wanted to know about Mr. Rogers posted here).

If you want to hear a bunch of funny guys kicking the Delorean’s tires, here’s the link:

Adventure Club Podcast Extra: Back to the Future Chat 3

YDKF Episode 130: Pagers, PDAs, and Cell Phones

Episode 130 of You Don’t Know Flack covers pagers, PDAs, and cell phones. In this episode I talk about the first pager I owned and why I wanted one, the first PDA I owned (the Palm Pilot III), and a few of the cell phones I’ve owned over the years (starting with the Star-Tac). I also tell the story about the time I almost got killed, and how I wish I had owned a cell phone that night.

Due to my current crazy work schedule (which now occasionally includes traveling on the weekends) I missed a week of You Don’t Know Flack. I’ll be working overtime this week to squeeze a bonus episode into the timeline to make the numbers right again.

This episode of You Don’t Know Flack was sponsored by I love it when a sponsor and a show topic come together like this. Vintage Volts is all about retro electronics, from computers to pinball machines, arcade cabinets, and all sorts of things. Pretty much if it’s old and plugs into the wall, Vintage Volts has discussed it. I spent a couple of hours going through all of the posts on the Vintage Volts site over the weekend and there’s some great information posted over there.

You can grab episode 130 of You Don’t Know Flack here. If you subscribe via iTunes, Switcher, Podcast Pickle or any of those places, you probably already have it. If downloads get slow, the show is now mirrored at the Internet Archive as well.

The inside scoop on episodes can be found on the You Don’t Know Flack Facebook Page. If you want to know what’s going on behind the scenes and like the know the very second an episode is posted, go “Like” that page. For suggestions, feedback, and criticism, you can e-mail me or leave a message on the official You Don’t Know Flack voice mailbox (206-309-9501).

YDKF Episode 127/128/129: BASIC/Commodore 128/Arcades

It’s been a few weeks (apparently) since I announced my new podcast episodes here.

Episode 127 is about BASIC programming. This one has old stories about programming in BASIC, a few new stories about Visual Basic, and some new forks of the BASIC programming language that are still being updated.

Episode 128 is (fittingly) about the Commodore 128. Packed in and around stories about the C128 are a couple of stories about S.A.M., the old voice synthesizer for the Commodore.

Episode 129 is all about the collection of arcade games I owned while I lived in El Reno, Oklahoma. The six machines I owned back then were Elevator Action, Mat Mania, Shinobi, Street Fighter II — Championship Edition, Power Instinct 2, and Star Wars.

The fastest way to find out new episodes have been released are to follow the You Don’t Know Flack RSS Feed, subscribe to the show on iTunes, or like the You Don’t Know Flack Facebook Page. The show is also available via Doubletwist, Stitcher, Miro, the Zune/Xbox Marketplace, and the awesomely-yet-sourly-named

For suggestions, feedback, and criticism, you can e-mail me or leave a message on the official You Don’t Know Flack voice mailbox (206-309-9501).

YDKF Episode 126: The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

Finally, we’re back on track with this week’s podcast.

This week’s show is all about the Nintendo Entertainment System — the NES, for short. In this episode you’ll get to hear about how and when I got my first NES and what games I used to play. You’ll also learn about the horrible television I used to own, how I built up my collection of 300+ cartridges, and the exact moment I realized my girlfriend was also my soul mate. I also answer questions from callers about Commodore RAM Expansion Units and the best retro computer to bludgeon someone to death with.

Link: YDKF Episode 123: The CFFA 3000
Facebook: You Don’t Know Flack

YDKF Episode 125: The Video Game Crash of 1983

Here’s the second post that got gummed up in the system.

Episode 125 of You Don’t Know Flack is all about the video game crash of 1983. “It was a dark and stormy night…” or was it really? In this episode I talk all about the causes of the video game crash of 1983, and why I missed it. From the voice mail box I answer the question, “what’s the worst arcade conversion I’ve ever seen?”

Link: YDKF Episode 125: The Video Game Crash of 1983
You Don’t Know Flack

(Video Game Crash. Get it?)

YDKF Episode 124: Arkadia Retrocade

This podcast is actually two weeks old, but for some reason this announcement didn’t go through.

So, here it is.

Episode 124 of You Don’t Know Flack is a recap of my visit to the new Arkansas retro arcade, Arkadia Retrocade. Our visit to the arcade sure helped cure my case of Pac-Man Fever!

Link: YDKF Episode 124: The Arkadia Retrocade
Facebook: You Don’t Know Flack

(I have no idea why he is pretending to play guitar in this clip.)

YDKF Episode 123: The CFFA 3000

Leaping from moderately mainstream to moderately obscure, Episode 123 of You Don’t Know Flack is dedicated to the CFFA 3000, a relatively new card that plugs into vintage Apple II computers and allows retro hobbyists to load virtual disk images and convert physical disks to virtual disk images (and back). I also coin the word “floppycentric” in this episode.

Link: YDKF Episode 123: The CFFA 3000
Facebook: You Don’t Know Flack

What on Earth would anyone use an Apple II for?