Last Thursday, 12/12, was Mason’s first birthday. The event was honored at daycare with cookies, party hats, and cheap sunglasses which were promptly eaten, worn, and broken. Mase seemed to have a good time so that’s really all that matters. Thursday after work, and according to tradition (that no one seems to know about any more), Mason got his first haircut at Headhunter’s in Yukon. Saturday was Mason’s official birthday party. My family and Susan’s family came out and everyone had a great time. We took everything into consideration except one minor detail — Mason, apparently, doesn’t like cake. Other than that, everything went fine.
Welcome to our website! I am in the process of updating my little news engine here, so hang loose for a day or two until I get everything working and all the archives added.
April Showers
April showers finally brought May. Or, something like that.
Garage sale day is this weekend in the sunny valley of Sun Valley (it’s so nice, I felt like saying it twice). Of course as most of you know, “Garage Sale Day” (a yearly tradition for almost as long as I can remember) is that special day where all the citizens of Sun Valley host garage sales and trade junk. We’re having one at dad’s house this year and hoping to unload “all the stuff that’s too big to ship on Ebay.”
Susan and Mason are in Kansas City this week. Susan’s there for work, Mason’s there for play. It’s seriously bachelor-time in the O’Hara household this week. The biggest problem is, I’ve forgotten how to be one. I decided bachelor activities this week would include watching a lot of basketball, and walking around in my boxers. Unfortunately, these are things I do when Susan and Mason are around too, so it’s not very exciting.
Works sucks, nothing new there. I’m jockeying for a new position in the “virus/security” arena (in the same department) which should happen shortly. I’ve also applied with a couple of different companies (most notably, the FBI, wouldn’t that be a cool job?), so we’ll see what happens. I’ve been spending my time at work programming in ASP/VB Script which is pretty fun.
Mason had his hearing test 4/2. Basically they said his left ear is 100% and his right ear shows signs of inner ear fluid, consistant with the ear infection he just had. He’s not deaf. We knew that.
Susan and I just became Ordained Ministers of the Church of Universal Life. Don’t blame us, Gabe Rupp gave us the link to the site. With printed certificate in hand, we can now do things like perform wedding ceremonies, etc. It’s doubtful we will. They also offer honorary degrees in such things as psychic research and past life researcher.
Spent three days in sunny LA … Louisianna, that is. Quick trip to Baton Rouge and back for work. Susan’s returning the favor by going to Denver two days this week. Guess I will be put to the true formula making and diaper changing test Wednesday and Thursday.