Near Miss

If I take the back way home from work, there’s one intersection that scares me to death. It’s a two way stop where the crossroad is a four-lane highway. Cars speed by at 60mph as people behind you honk impatiently for you to zip across. It’s a wonder no one’s been killed at that intersection yet. Yesterday, I almost was.

To make a long story short, a small, gray Honda was hidden behind a large red truck. I saw the truck coming and gunned it, only to notice the gray car hidden behind it seconds later. I hit my brakes and swerved to the left to avoid hitting him; the drive of the other car locked his brakes up, sliding sideways and hitting the curb. I’m not sure how close we came to colliding, but it was pretty dang close.

I stopped to see if the driver was okay, but he motioned for me to drive on so I did. Then I noticed he was following me. In retrospect, I think he was just motioning for me to get off the busy road before we stopped. The guy wanted to exchange information and, still in a daze, I gave him my name, home phone number and address instead of my insurance information. I hope he calls; I’d gladly give him my insurance info, I just wasn’t thinking straight at the time. His car seemed to be okay, sans a few scratches on his wheel. Does anyone know if insurance pays for an accident where the cars don’t even touch?

One thought on “Near Miss

  1. No, I don’t think they pay for what might have happened (regardless of scratches on his wheel). I’m just thankful that you’re OK. I go out of my way to avoid those intersections in the area you’re talking about. 4-way stops or lights are better, even if the wait is longer. Having to cross Mustang Road when they don’t have to stop is a nightmare! Drive careful!!!

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