Had we had blogs back in the 1990s, my post-New Year’s entries would have been much more exciting. Back then, Susan and I were much more active than we are now during our parenting years. Maybe it’s part of getting old, but it doesn’t seem like that long ago that I was actually jealous of all those people standing around outside downtowm, freezing in the cold while waiting for a overly-lit ball to drop and fireworks to erupt. Gradually over the past decade, I’ve moved from “I wish I were there” to “I’m glad I’m not there.” Where I once saw a big party, now I see a large group of cold drunks. Like concerts, I’m fairly content to watch such events from afar these days.
In 1994 on New Year’s Eve I was at Hohocon, a hacker’s conference in Houston, Texas. The best I can recall, that’s the last time Susan and I were apart when the New Year’s Eve ball dropped. This year, Susan’s sister got married on New Year’s Eve so we didn’t make any other plans. Mid-afternoon, the wedding was cancelled, so we decided to go ahead and do something for New Year’s. Shortly after we made plans, we were informed the wedding was back on, was which meant our plans were back off. So, Susan ended up attending the wedding after all, and I ended up staying home with two sleeping angels.
Another New Year’s tradition I have is apparently redesigning my blog. Somehow my WordPress theme here got all busted up and was killing my server by opening up a hundred instances of php-cgi.exe, so instead of troubleshooting it I simply downloaded another theme which seems to have fixed the problem. If you checked the site earlier today, that explains any goofiness you may have experienced. Refunds will be distributed shortly.
My tech.robohara.com blog is off to a grand start. Yesterday’s entry was about Commodore 64’s joysticks; today’s will be about the WordPress issues I encountered today, and the importance of computer backups. If you’re interested in that sort of thing, follow the above link. And don’t forget, both of my main blogs (robohara.com and tech.robohara.com) have e-mail subscription options as well as RSS feeds (if you’re in to that sort of thing) to inform you when new posts are added.