I got back from Defcon yesterday (1,100 miles, each way) and quickly made the transition back to work today. The week of sleep deprivation caught up with me; I shuffled my way through work today and am getting ready for bed right now, shortly before 10pm.
I can and will post a complete summary of Defcon in the very near future, but until then I would like to tell you one major observation/revelation I had during this past weekend. During the convention I realized that a very small percentage of the people at Defcon were “doers” while the vast majority were “followers”. Out of the 8,000+ people who attended Defcon, only 100 or so were speakers. Obviously, Defcon is just a tiny subset of society, and this ratio (to some degree) carries over to just about any industry. For example, there are only a few people making movies but millions of people who watch them.
Something clicked in my brain this past weekend and it became very clear to me that I want to begin focusing my efforts on creating things.
Aww yeah, that was fun.