I came up with this idea a month or two ago and it’s been rattling around in the back of my head ever since.
Hey, look who’s up there rappelling off of the loft down into our living room — it’s G.I.Joe*!
(It’s not really G.I.Joe. Or maybe it is. It’s three random military figures I bought at Vintage Stock for a couple bucks each. The two guys standing above were $1 for 2 and came from Family Dollar.)
Morgan was my partner in crime on this project. She and I poked three holes into a small piece of cardboard and ran black yarn through the holes, tying knots in the end of the yard and securing the ends with pieces of tape. With that done we wrapped the other end around our rappelling soldiers and dropped them over the edge. Whee! The two “guards” standing at the top are standing on small, rolled loops of tape.
My guess is that this particular display piece will remain in place until either Susan or the cat removes them. We’ve already found one of the two guards down (“Medic!”), an apparent victim of a random cat attack. We’ll see how the others fare over time.
one never knows what activity will show up next at the O’Hara Casa
Look out! It’s Cobra Kitteh Commando!