YDKF Episode 122: MAME Cabinets

Believe it or not I recorded the first episode of You Don’t Know Flack all the way back in 2008. Between then and now the number one requested show topic has been MAME Cabinets. For some reason I cannot explain, I never got around to recording one. That is, until last Sunday.

You Don’t Know Flack Episode 122 is all about MAME Cabinets. In this episode I talk a little bit about what MAME is and a lot about the parts of a MAME cabinet and how to build your own.

I did not receive any voice mails on the brand new super duper YDKF Voice Mailbox last week. The number again is 206-309-9501. Messages may end up being played live on the next episode!

Over the past week and and a half, You Don’t Know Flack has been added to several podcasting sites including Stitcher, the Xbox Live Marketplace (formerly the Zune Marketplace), DoubleTwist and Podcast Pickle. Of course the show is still available via iTunes or the RSS feed on the website. You can find a complete list of podcast links here.

With this episode, I have released five episodes in 2013. To put that in perspective:

2008: 6 Episodes
2009: 1 Episodes
2010: 5 Episodes
2011: 1 Episodes
2012: 4 Episodes
2013: 5 Episodes

I am greatly looking forward to shattering 2008’s record of 6 episodes. I hope you guys will join me on the ride.

Link: YDKF Episode 122: Thrifting
Facebook: You Don’t Know Flack

One thought on “YDKF Episode 122: MAME Cabinets

  1. what would be neat is to make a cabinet door out of the “coin slot” and have the hdds in a bracket like you were describing and hooked to a lengthy usb cable so they are easy to pull out, hook up and put back in, and use a male—>female usb extension for the keyboard if necessary. great show!

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