Over the past month I have found that while it is very hard to get into the habit of eating right and exercising regularly, it is very easy to fall out of those habits. After our weight loss contest at work, I decided I would take it easy the first week of August. One week somehow became three weeks. Over the past three weeks, I have found three truths:
Eat well + no exercise = maintain my current weight.
Eat poorly + exercise = maintain my current weight.
Eat so/so + so/so exercise = maintain my current weight.
I’ve already established over the past three months that regular exercise + good eating habits = weight loss. But over the past three weeks I’ve found that by slacking off in either of those two habits, the weight loss stops. And, as I’ve spent the past 30-or-so years researching, poor eating habits + no exercise = weight gain.
There will be a point where I can back off a bit and take it easy. There will be a day where all I need to do is “maintain” my weight and not actively pursue losing it. But I’m not there yet.
Saturday I walked 2 miles, Sunday I walked 2.6, and today I’ve already walked a mile before lunch and plan on walking more tonight. It’s back to pushing.
It’s a funny thing about exercise… while I never want to start, once I do I don’t always want to quit. I love to walk, just can’t get the oomph to start. I love to work in the yard, and will in just a little bit. Getting my butt off the couch seems to be the major problem. I’ve got a sore foot, but it’s healing and once it does, the dog and I go back on our morning routine. Just have to make the commitment. Thanks for being my inspiration!