Wednesday morning at exactly 5:47am I was awoken (?) by a sharp smack to the face. After feeling around to make sure my nose was still there, I rolled over and asked Susan what the hell that was about. Her reply? “I thought you were the alarm clock.”
Thursday morning I awoke to some of the most painful stomach cramps I have ever experienced. Susan thinks it was from the cold chicken I had at lunch; I’m blaming the fajitas I had for dinner. Regardless, it sucked real bad. It was so bad I actually tried to gag myself to force myself to throw up — an act I was unsuccessful at. The movies make it look so easy. It’s real easy to make yourself gag, but pretty hard to make yourself puke (without you know, alcohol).
I went walking last night during the thunderstorm. It felt great to walk in weather less than 90 degrees. The lightning storm was awesome — it was close enough to watch but far enough away that I rarely heard the thunder. I was pretty tired when I got home (I’ve expanded my walking lap to over 2 miles now), and for the first time in a couple of days, I actually got some good sleep.
Robs new nickname: Rob “Alarm Clock” O’Hara. I like it!
– Colton