Saturday I was kind of bleh on the diet. For breakfast I had an Egg McMuffin and a Diet Coke. Egg McMuffins are like 280 calories — not the most healthy choice, but not bad and pretty much the best thing McDonald’s offers. For lunch I had a slice of hamburger and a piece of birthday cake at Jessica’s birthday party. Then for dinner I had the boys (Mason and Dylan) and we ended up going out for some ice cream. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds but it was still bad. Then later I had a grilled chicken sandwich from somewhere.
To atone for the sugar infringements I decided to add a little extra on to my nightly walking routine. I usually walk the big rectangle around my neighborhood. I’ve measured the distance with my truck and it’s 1 mile exactly. A block or two from the far corner is a small park. My plan Saturday was to walk the normal route until I got to the far corner of the neighborhood, walk to the park, walk back to the far corner, and continue the lap.
Turns out, the small park that’s “really close” is only “really close” when you’re driving a car. When you’re walking in the dark, it’s much further — another half a mile. The good news is, it only took me about 45 minutes to do the 2 miles, and my shins only hurt for an hour or so (haha). I did it again last night as well. It’s not a bad little walk, although that part of the neighborhood is kind of dark. I also managed to walk through a spiderweb somehow in the middle of the street, which sucks when you’re hot, sweaty, and a mile away from your house.