Update: Career Day $20 Bills!

After reading yesterday’s post, Dad showed up tonight with the $20 bills mentioned in yesterday’s post!

Dad said that they made their own plates by scanning in a real $20 bill and simply enlarging it. When the authorities showed up they demanded that the plates and all existing copies of the bills be destroyed. The ones seen here were rescued from the trash and are the only known surviving bills. Some of the bills had red print across them as an advertisement, but any bills pulled off before the red stamps were applied looked like real bills, only bigger.

Thanks, Dad!

2 thoughts on “Update: Career Day $20 Bills!

  1. I’ll bet you could find a couple of cashiers you could talk into taking these. It has been my experience lately that the IQ level of some cashiers is decreasing rapidly. LOL

  2. Leave it to an O’Hara to take “phat stacks of cash” to a whole different level of meaning.

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