
Last weekend, the guys and I moved Nasty Pirates night back one night so that we could watch the debut of Sharktopus live on SyFy.

The acting was bad, the special effects were terrible, and the plot was laughable.

It was freakin’ great!

After the end of Sharktopus (both the movie and the creature …), we skimmed through a few of MacGruber’s funnier scenes. We killed the rest of the evening eating, drinking, and playing old Super Nintendo games. Because that’s how we roll.

2 thoughts on “Sharktopus

  1. No cable, so I’ll have to wait for DVD or means of “creative distribution” in order to enjoy the grandeur of Sharktopus for myself.

    Roger Corman, undisputed god of B-movie greatness and producer Sharktopus, was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Academy Award last year. Which is all well and good, but imo Roger Corman should be given an Oscar every year solely on principle.

  2. Awwwwww man!!!! I missed it! :/

    One of my roomies and I used to have SciFi day on Sundays. We’d just watch whatever horrible marathons they’d have on SciFi, while nursing a hangover. Oddly enough, no one would join us. People would come downstairs, look at the TV, roll their eyes, and leave.

    Good to see someone else has taste. Haha

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