Happy Birthday Don Piano!

Three years ago this weekend, Mason brought home Don Piano from PetSmart. There was a lot of discussion that weekend about the cat’s name (I originally voted for “Count Chocula” and “Nosferatu”). We finally settled on “Don Piano,” which came from the following America’s Funniest Home Videos clip.

Don Piano (often referred to as “Don Don” or “Love Cat”) has turned out to be one unique pet. He loves running outside, rolling around in the dirt, and lying around on the outside concrete. Despite not having any front claws, Don lows to chasing birds (but usually ends up being chased by them instead). About half the time, he comes when he’s called (I’ve never had another cat that did that). If Don gets accidentally shut outside, he’ll bang on the front door until someone lets him in. At bedtime, he either sleeps in Mason’s bed or on Susan’s head.

And sometimes, late at night after everybody else has gone to bed, we talk. He comes over to me and says, “Meow.” Then I say, “Meow.” Then he does it. Then I do it. Sometimes he starts the conversations, sometimes I do. Sometimes I ask him questions like, “Meow’s the weather?” and he always answers me. (“Meow.”)

And while the rest of us enjoy him, Don Piano is Mason’s pal. Mason never forgets Don’s birthday, and this year he got a special food ball and a small sack of toys that included a mouse stuffed with catnip that Don’s been pawing at for hours now. Happy third birthday, love cat.

One thought on “Happy Birthday Don Piano!”

  1. I can’t believe Brian and Ginger haven’t had anything to say about Love Cat. I figured surely they’d be happy to know he owns some toys now.

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