Commodork mentioned on Capcom’s site!

A friend of mine sent me this link yesterday, which I think is pretty cool!

Chris “Sven” Svensson (Corporate Officer and Vice-president of Strategic Planning & Business Development at Capcom) mentioned my book Commodork on his blog last week. Here is what he had to say:

“Ok. If you started messing around with consoles in the 70s and computers in the early 80s (as I did), you’ll get a hearty dose of nostalgia if you pick up Commodork by Rob O’Hara (if you have a Kindle, it’s only $0.99). Talk of disk trading, the computer and specifically BBS culture and even the rarity of computers in that era all bring back tons of memories. And there’s lots of game stuff too.”

How cool is that? (Answer: Very cool.) It’s awesome that four years after the book’s release, people are still discovering it.


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