32 – 4 = My Mouth

I wrote up a big post to fire off while I was at the dentist office, but apparently it misfired, or fired in the wrong direction, or jumped in the lake and drowned. I don’t know what happened and I can’t seem to find the post. So, it’s gone. Boo hoo.

Dentist called this morning and said they had an earlier time slot open up. I was scheduled to begin at 11am; instead, they wanted me there at 10am. Susan and I got there and ten and filled out all the paperwork; then, we waited until after 11. Weird system. Interesting lobby. Tons of magazines to choose from. I read Highlights since I hadn’t read it since I was 12. Not much has changed. That ol’ rascally Goofus …

So they made me watch a video and sign a couple of papers, all of which said “you could die” so I heartily signed everything. The Dentist was nice but knew his stuff and I felt good about that. They got me in the chair, fired up the laughing gas, and turned off my brain. According to Susan it only took about 20 minutes to pull out all four.

I woke up at one point during the procedure after feeling a bunch of pressure on my teeth. I said something like “hey, stop that, asshole!” but it come out like “eff, schraw to, schessfee” so he did not stop.

The medicine he gave me is fascinating. He says I was awake but there’s a bug black cloud over that time. Right now, every time I sit still for more than 30 seconds, I doze and fall back asleep. In fact I fell asleep half a dozen times writing this, and am going to go lie back down for a bit.

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