Upcoming Trips and Appearances

Speaking at Notacon 6: So not only am I going to be attending Notacon 6/Blockparty 3, I’m also going to be presenting there as well! In “The World of Free Book Publishing” I’m going to demonstrate how to write and self-publish a book completely for free (that is, assuming you already own a computer). Throughout my presentation I’ll give lots of real-world examples from writing Commodork and Invading Spaces. For those of you that caught the Self-Publishing and the Computer Underground panel I was on with Myles Long (cDc) and RaDMan (ACiD) at Defcon 15, my presentation at Notacon will be very different with more laughter, more information, and less nerves.

OEGE 2009: The OEGE (Oklahoma Electronic Game Expo) will take place April 11, 2009 at Oklahoma City Community College. I will be selling and signing copies of Commodork and Invading Spaces at the show, as possibly speaking about one or both of the books if they end up having speakers. I’ll post more about this as it develops.

IP Management Class: March 16-March 20 I’ll be in Exton, PA attending a training course. I’m driving, it’s about 1,400 miles each way, and yes, I’m insane. On the way there I’ll be heading north through Tulsa (Oklahoma), Joplin, Springfield at St. Louis (Missouri), Indianapolis (Indiana), Dayton and Columbus (Ohio), Pittsburgh, Harrisburg and Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). Over the weekend I’ll be visiting the Digital Press store up in Clifton (New Jersey), cruising through Trenton along the way. On the way home I’ll be heading south, going through Harrisburg (Pennsylvania), Roanoke (Virginia), Knoxville, Nashville, Jackson and Memphis (Tennessee), and Little Rock and Fort Smith (Arkansas) before making it back to Oklahoma. If you live in or near any of those places or along those routes and would like to stop and grab a cup of coffee, a meal (if it’s that time) or just shoot the bull for a bit, drop me an e-mail and I’ll try and add you on the list. I plan on taking a zillion pictures on this trip, so don’t miss your opportunity to be one!

Your reward for reading all of that is a picture of me driving a Flinstones car.

5 thoughts on “Upcoming Trips and Appearances”

  1. “If you live in or near any of those places or along those routes and would like to stop and grab a cup of coffee, a meal (if it’s that time) or just shoot the bull for a bit, drop me an e-mail”

    do you pick up arcade machines en-route?

  2. Hey,

    I just found your website while searching Oklahoma Arcades. Very Nice. I’ll be at OEGE and will be picking up a book from you. Do they happen to have a website? I found a OCCC one but it was pretty rough.

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