Pushing Projects Forward

I can’t remember if I mentioned this or not — I can’t remember anything, anymore — but my 3D printer wasn’t working properly for a while. It was working okay, but not great. Everything I printed was coming out with a weird, rough finish. For the longest time I thought there was something wrong with my printer, but after doing a bunch of online research I narrowed the issue down to a single software setting. Literally, checking a single box in the software fixed the issue.

I bought an Ultimate 64 over a year ago. The Ultimate 64 is a modern replacement motheboard for the old Commodore 64 computer. I bought a new case to install the new motherboard in, and discovered that it required some additional plastic brackets for everything to fit together. The brackets can be purchased, or 3D printed… if you have a working 3D printer. For a while, I didn’t have a working 3D printer. By the time the printer was working, I had torn down my office to install new tables. The takeaway here is that I spent a lot of money on a project that’s been collecting dust for over a year.

it’s ironic how during the pandemic I have nothing but time and yet seem to get very little done. Setting up my office should have taken a weekend; it’s taken me a month. Lately it seems like nothing is a priority. I’m spending a lot of my spare time working on podcasts and videos, and not wanting to work on much else.

Susan is participating in an online Girl Scout meeting this weekend. Saturday, she was online for twelve hours, from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. That gave me some guilt-free time to organize, clean, and do some 3D printing. I know I’ll feel better and enjoy these projects after they are finished, so I’ll keep pushing forward until they are done.