Fun Free Short Story: Felix and the Skinks

To celebrate my 2,000th follower on Twitter, I decided to do something fun. Two weeks ago, I sent out a tweet to all my followers and asked them to send me a random word, which I would in turn weave into a short story. Over a period of 48 hours, I received a total of 47 submitted words.

One of the submissions (“giant bunny”) jumped out at me and became one of the main characters in the story. Another word (“SpaceX”) inspired me to place the story in space. From there, it was a matter of coming up with a story and weaving the remaining words into it. Some of the words like “ancient” and “slime” were pretty easy to work in. The two hardest submissions to include were “Cloister Bell” (a warning alert in Dr. Who) and “bottle episode.” Several of the words, like “diaphanous” and “octothorpe,” I had to look up.

The resulting short story is approximately 4,500 words. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! While reading it, see if you can spot the submitted words (some up them really stand out). At the end of the story, I included a list of all the words and who submitted them.

Thanks again! This was so much fun that I may try and do it again soon. If you enjoy the story, be sure to check out the books I’ve written, and if you want to submit a word next time, be sure to follow me on Twitter!

STORY LINK: Felix and the Skinks

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