State of the Union

Mason and Morgan both had friends sleepovers last night, so the four of us spent most of Sunday lounging around the house, catching up on sleep. Mason and Talon worked on their Star Wars movie; Morgan and Madison slept in a tent and watched Disney movies.

I rented the 2008 version of Journey to the Center of the Earth for Mason and I to watch tonight but somehow I ended up with the 2008 made-for-tv version of Journey to the Center of the Earth, starring Rick Schroeder. An hour into the film I started wondering, when the hell are they going to find Brendan Fraser? They never did.

This week marks my sixth week in a row as a writer for the Minco Millennium Newspaper. I haven’t missed a week yet, so that’s good.

I spent a few hours cleaning and throwing things away out in the garage this afternoon. It’s so very hard for me to get rid of things. I threw away three different power tools that haven’t worked in over a decade. I kept telling myself that someday I was going to pull the motors out of them and use them for something — yeah, right. Over the past week or two I’ve had to start telling Mason he can’t go upstairs anymore because it’s too messy, and I don’t like doing that. I’m definitely going to focus on that problem in the upcoming days and weeks. For a long time my solution to the problem has been “more storage tubs!” and “more shelves!”, when we all know the real solution is “less stuff!”, so I’m going to try and tackle that angle for a while.

I haven’t really promoted this yet, but Commodork is now available in PDF format for $5. The reason I haven’t heavily promoted it yet is because I am working on Commodorkier, a supplimental collection of interviews with many of the people who appear throughout the book. If you’re dying to buy Commodork in PDF format now you can, and when the interviews are complete in the next month or so, I’ll be e-mailing those out as well.

I am interested in learning more about scanning books and magazines into the computer. I did some searching tonight and found a few scanners that would do the job. For around $100 you can get a scanner that scans all the way to the edge, so you can scan a book into the computer without having to remove the pages from the spine. For $300 or so you can get a scanner with a sheet feeder; that’d be nice, too. While searching I found a few home made solutions for scanning books using a high-resolution digital camera and a sheet of glass to compress the book’s pages. It’s all very interesting to me. We’ll see if I pursue it any further.

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