Streamers, Keepers, and Podcasts

When it comes to consuming media, there are two types of people: Streamers and Keepers. Streamers are people who consume media via streaming services and have no desire to retain copies of those things. Keepers are people who feel a need to keep a copy of the media they consume, be it in physical or digital format. Streamers are perfectly content to watch movies on Netflix and listen to music on Spotify and feel no sense of loss if or when, like dust in the wind, those things disappear from streaming services. Keepers are still buying physical media and continually… (read more)

The Return of Podcasts

I hadn’t planned on taking a break from podcasting when we moved into our new home back in 2018. It just worked out that way. I took for granted just how great my old room was for recording at the old house. The air conditioning was silent. The room’s upstairs location blocked the sounds of neighbors mowing and cars passing. The surrounding shelves of toys and books suppressed the room’s echo. After we moved, I consolidated the function (and many of the contents) of three rooms into one. The new room’s bare, high walls echoed the echoes, and amplified the… (read more)

Podcast News and Consolidation!

When I started my first podcast (You Don’t Know Flack) back in 2008, I envisioned it as a complete package. I stood up a separate webpage and WordPress installation for it ( I also created a dedicated email address and Facebook page for the show as well. The late 2000s were all about branding. Time went on, and I launched more shows. I registered more domains like and, and created Facebook pages, email addresses, RSS feeds, iTunes pages, and Twitter accounts for those shows, too. This was a great idea that didn’t scale well. Each time I launched… (read more)

Podcast Mania

While the blog’s been more quiet than usual lately, I’ve recorded several podcasts over the past couple of weeks — two of which came out yesterday, in fact. On the latest episode of You Don’t Know Flack I talk about the dedicated emulation PC I recently put together for our living room. It’s more of a high level look at such devices. I’m working on a more detailed article to go along with it that explains everything I did step by step. My buddy Zerbinator and I recently started Rusted Metal, a podcast in which we discuss our favorite bands… (read more)

Weekend Updates

Over the weekend I updated the States! section of the website. If you have not checked it out, it’s a list of every states I have ever visited with lots of pictures and mini-stories. In 2013 I added or updated Missouri, Illinois, Indianapolis, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Toronto (Ontario), Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. In this weekend’s update I updated Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada.Check your state — maybe I’ve been there! Link: Also last week I posted three new podcast episodes. Of the two for You Don’t Know Flack, one was technical in nature… (read more)

Recent Podcast Appearances!

I’m home from Denver after attending the Kong Off 3. What a fun weekend! I’ll be writing more about it tomorrow, but to hold you over until then, here are a few recent podcasts I’ve appeared on. You Don’t Know Flack Episode 145: About Podcasting Episode 145 of You Don’t Know Flack is all about podcasting, literally. In this episode I talk about what it takes to start and run a podcast. On this episode I was joined by 8 fellow podcasters who also give their input and advice. If you have ever wanted to start your own podcast, this… (read more)

I’m Recording a Podcast about Recording Podcasts and Need Your Input!

For my next episode of You Don’t Know Flack, I’ll be covering the topic of recording podcasts. I’ve written a loose outline for the show and I have lots of opinions to share on how I do things, but they’re just my opinions. If you currently record a podcast, I’d like to include your opinions as well. Here’s how you can contribute! Record a brief (no more than five minute) audio segment offering some podcast-related advice. Your target audience is people who are interested in starting their own podcast but haven’t created one yet. During your segment you can talk… (read more)

Two New Podcast Appearances!

On the latest episode of Throwback Reviews, Ferg from the Atari 2600 Game by Game Podcast dropped by to chat with Sean and I about (what else) the Atari 2600! In this episode the three of us talk about some of our favorite games, some of our least favorite games, how we started collecting Atari games and what our collections look like today. (Spoiler: Ferg’s collection is the largest.) Link: Throwback Reviews 19: The Atari 2600 The day after Sean, Ferg and I recorded Throwback Reviews, Guy and John J. from the Adventure Club Podcast invited me and Ferg to… (read more)

Throwback Reviews Podcast: Forts, Wars & Bikes

We’re getting into a rhythm over at the Throwback Reviews. It’s not a hard set schedule, but lately Sean, Door and I have been alternating between movie reviews and what we’ve started calling “throwback episodes”. On the throwback episodes, the three of us sit around the mic and reminisce about some topic from our poast. On Episode 12 we sat around talking about toys we had (and some we didn’t have) while growing up in the late 1970s/early 1980s. That was a really fun show to record. On episode 15 of Throwback Reviews we talk about Forts, Wars & Bikes.… (read more)

Throwback Reviews Podcast: Goonies (1985)

On this week’s show, Sean, Door and I talk about the classic 1985 film The Goonies. We talk about our own adventures as kids a bit as well, and whether or not we think today’s generation of kids can even relate to a film like The Goonies. We are still tweaking the show’s formula, so any feedback (positive or negative) would be greatly appreciated! Link: