
First time: ?
Last time: Summer, 2013

Although my Dad's family lives in Illinois, they're only about 12 miles west of Indiana. So although I rarely go to Indiana for anything specific, during our trips to Chicago we occasionally end up across the border.

One of my online friends (Matt) used to run a podcast named Boring Beige Box -- in fact, Matt's podcast was one of the ones that inspired me to start my own! Matt lives in Indiana, and in 2010 I believe, we met just across the Indiana border in a small Starbucks where we traded old school stories over a few cups of expensive coffee. I really enjoyed Matt's conversation and hope to connect with him again sometime in the future.

My Aunt Peggy and Uncle Tony also live in Indiana, just across the border. A few trips ago we drove out there during the summer and the kids got to swim in their pool.

In the summer of 2013 we drove through Indiana on our way to Niagara Falls. On our way home we discovered it was "National Donut Day" and so we stopped at Krispy Kreme's in Indianapolis, Indiana to pick up a free donut!

Last edited: Summer, 2013