I Just Published “The Human Library” on Amazon Kindle

In January of 2018 I began work on my senior project — a novel that ultimately became known as The Human Library. This wasn’t the first novel I worked on during grad school, but by the time it was finished and I had defended it before a panel of professors (all of whom are also published authors), it was the one that felt the most complete.

After a few months of dealing with agents, I’ve decided to publish The Human Library myself through Amazon. While it’s a well-structured and complete novel, it’s just quirky enough that it’s probably not going to gain any mainstream traction. Perhaps I’m too impatient for traditional publishing, but instead of spending month after month waiting for agents to respond, I decided to send this one out and spend my time working on the next book.

I’m having a tough time promoting The Human Library without giving too much away. It’s the story of Marvin Granger, a federal employee who, after failing at his job one too many times, is shuffled off (promoted “up and out”) to a remote office in the middle of the Nevada desert. Not only does Marvin not want to move, but when he arrives at his new job, he discovers he’s been demoted to the mail room.

The thing is, sometimes guys who deliver the mail see things they’re not supposed to. By the end of his first day, Marvin has discovered a 3D printer large enough to print a human clone in the basement of the Human Library. By the end of his second day, he has witnessed a murder. By the end of the week, millions of people’s lives are in danger.

The Human Library falls under the “near future” genre of science-fiction, although it’s more of a thriller than a straight-forward sci-fi romp. And, if you know me, you know the book contains plenty of humor as well. It’s not a comedy, but it is (at least in some party) pretty funny.

Currently the book is available as a Amazon Kindle eBook for $2.99. By the end of the week, I hope the paperback edition will also be available.

IF ALL THIS SOUNDS GREAT, you can purchase The Human Library through this Amazon Link in Kindle eBook format for only $2.99. Note that you don’t need an actual Kindle to read a Kindle eBooks. There are Kindle apps for all major operating systems, including iOS and Windows.

IF YOU AREN’T SURE THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU follow the same Amazon link and click “LOOK INSIDE” (just over the picture of the cover) to read the first 3 chapters for free. The real good stuff doesn’t start until after that, but it should give you an idea whether or not this book is for you.

IF NONE OF THIS SOUNDS INTERESTING, OR YOU DON’T READ EBOOKS then there’s one other thing you can do. Close your eyes, think of someone in your life who might find this book interesting, and send them a link to either this page or the book on Amazon. I realize a murder mystery featuring killer clones isn’t for everybody, but I’m counting on you to help me find people who will love it.

Thanks to everybody who read early copies of the book and helped me make it better. There was a time when I thought the only thing I would ever write would be nonfiction. I’ve had such a fun time working on The Human Library that I’ve already started my next one. 2019 is going to be a busy year!

One thought on “I Just Published “The Human Library” on Amazon Kindle”

  1. I just ordered the ebook and can’t wait to read it. Also, I’ve missed the podcasts. Hopefully after your move and schooling have settled down you can put out some more.

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