Category Archives: Star Wars

The Book of Boba Fett has Closed

For more than 40 years, Boba Fett has been one of the most popular villains from the Star Wars universe. Boba Fett made his animated debut in a nine-minute cartoon nestled in the middle of the wildly unpopular Star Wars Holiday Special (1978), and made his first live performance two years later in The Empire Strikes Back. Kids loved everything about Boba Fett’s armor, from his cool helmet to his missile-firing jetpack, but his most alluring attribute was the mystery surrounding him. Who was this masked bounty hunter who stood side by side with Darth Vader and was able to capture Han Solo?

And then, in Return of the Jedi, he died after his rockets were accidentally triggered by a vision-impaired Han Solo. Boba Fett went from being one of the most feared men in the galaxy to being digested inside the Sarlacc Pit in a matter of seconds.

Fans have never accepted Boba’s fate. How could one of the baddest men in the galaxy die so easily? Many fans refused to believe that the wily Boba Fett, with all his armor, weapons, and tricks, could be killed so easily. Twelve years after Return of the Jedi, Boba Fett emerged from the Sarlacc Pit in a short story from an anthology titled Tales from Jabba’s Palace, publised in 1995. The book, which was considered to be canon, explained how Boba Fett — after blowing up his jet pack and tossing dozens of grenades — was able to blow a hole through the Sarlacc’s stomach and claw his way back to the surface.

In 2022’s The Book of Boba Fett our antihero doesn’t escape in quite the same manner, but the result is the same. Moments after Luke Skywalker and his merry men zoomed away from the Sarlacc Pit, Boba Fett — partially digested and worse for wear — emerged from the belly of the best.

So Boba Fett is back, but unfortunately for him (and maybe viewers), it seems the position had already been in filled. Two years ago, Disney+ — the same people who gave us The Book of Boba Fett and the owners of Star Wars — gave us The Mandalorian, a series about a bounty hunter who wears the same (Mandalorian) armor as Boba Fett. Many fans have referred to The Mandalorian as the best thing to happen to Star Wars since the original trilogy, and no doubt a big part of the show’s popularity can be attributed to Grogu (dubbed “Baby Yoda” by fans). Boba Fett appearing in season two of The Mandalorian was one of the greatest crossovers ever, and whether or not it had been planned from the beginning, I’m sure someone at Disney said “if we can make a popular series about a guy that looks like Boba Fett, maybe we can make another popular series about Boba Fett!”

For those who don’t know, The Mandalorian takes place five years after the end of Return of the Jedi. We got some of Boba Fett’s story in The Mandalorian — we saw him reacquire his armor, and most importantly at the end of season two we saw him murder Bib Fortuna and assume Jabba the Hutt’s reign as the Daimyo (crime lord) of Mos Espa. That gave The Book of Boba Fett three eras to work with: little Boba (the last time we saw Boba Fett, his father, Jango Fett, had just been decapitated by Mace Windu in Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones); Boba Fett’s story from between his apparent demise in Return of the Jedi and the moment he showed up in The Mandalorian; and, perhaps most importantly, Boba Fett’s legacy — who is he, what motivates him, and what lies in store in the future for Boba Fett.

Boba Fett’s childhood, save for a couple of quick (we’re talking 5-10 second) flashbacks to Boba watching Jango fly away in the middle of the night) was unexplored. That left the other two eras — what happened to Fett over the past five years, and where’s he headed from here.


The former was covered in a series of flashbacks. Fett, barely clinging to life after emerging from the Sarlacc Pit, had his armor stolen by Jawas and was kidnapped by Tusken Raiders. This story, told through a series of flashbacks, began with Fett being tied to a post, whipped, and forced to dig for water with his bare hands. Through a series of events, Fett eventually earned the clan’s trust and went on to be assimilated into the tribe. There’s no question that such an experience would affect a person, but it seemed to have changed Fett’s complete outlook on life. In Return of the Jedi, Boba Fett entered the Tatooine desert as one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. Five years later he emerged as a man who…

…well, that question is difficult to answer. After the death of Jabba the Hutt, Bib Fortuna seized power of Jabba’s territory, and Fett wasted no time in (violently) removing Fortuna from power and assuming Jabba’s territory. Why Fett would want to take over a criminal empire was never really established. When Fett demands offerings from everyone on the cut, not only does the mayor say no, but his representative asks for one in return. Fett and his loyal assassin sidekick, Fennec, wander the streets of Mos Espa letting everyone know they’re in charge, receiving polite nods of “sure you are, buddy” in return. When Fennec suggests Fett flex his muscles he declines, saying he prefers to rule with respect rather than fear. Fett may be the first crime lord in the history of Star Wars who refuses to commit a crime. At one point, a merchant asks Fett to intervene when local hoodlums are stealing drinking water from him. Fett tells the merchant to lower his prices, and hires the hoodlums to provide boots-on-the-ground intel. This is how the most dangerous bounty hunter in the galaxy spends his time; personally settling disputes over glasses of drinking water.

Slowly, a plot develops. The Pykes have been running an illegal drug known as spice through Tatooine, and Boba Fett decides it must stop. This is the opposite of what a crime lord should be doing, but it’s bigger than that now. Fett talks a a lot about saving “his” town and protecting “his” people, although as far as I know the vast majority of time the bounty hunter has spent on Tatooine was spent as Tusken Raider property. Fett asks the other crime syndicates in Mos Espa for assistance, and they say no. He then asks them to at least say out of the impending battle. This time, they lie and say they will.

A show builds toward a war between the Pykes and Boba Fett’s small group of pals, a battle that Fennec, the Mandalorian, and essentially everyone else in Boba Fett’s circle tells him he cannot win. Both sides pull out all the stops in an attempt to take control of Tatooine.

With such a large world to explore and so many stories to tell, Disney made the odd decision to focus on The Mandalorian for not one but two of the show’s episodes. The fifth episode of the show didn’t feature Boba Fett at all; in the sixth, he appears for less than three minutes. With so many Boba Fett stories available to tell, why the showrunners decided to spend not one but two episodes on someone else’s journey is mindboggling.

By design, The Book of Boba Fett was destined to fail. The show tried to take three killers — Fett, Fennec, and the former Wookiee gladiator/bounty hunter Black Krrsantan — and turn them into good guys. Worse than that, they Disney-fied them. When the chips were down, three people who formerly (and in a few cases, recently) made a living out of hunting and killing the good guys of Star Wars (including Jedi) banded together out of loyalty to take a stand.

A lot of The Book of Boba Fett was entertaining, and the final episode, from a purely action perspective, certainly delivered. As the closing credits began to roll, the Boba Fett we were left with was not the same character we new from the original trilogy. My only question was, was it the fans who didn’t understand who Boba Fett was, or Disney?

A Different May the Fourth

They say April showers bring May flowers, and May the Fourth (followed by Revenge of the Fifth) brings Star Wars week.

I love May the 4th, aka Star Wars Day. I love seeing Star Wars fans new and old celebrating my favorite films of all time. Some long time fans of the franchise look down on people who celebrate May the 4th, preferring to wait until May 25th (the day the film was released in theaters) to celebrate. Some refer to people who dress up on May the 4th as fair weather fans. Star Wars fans are a funny lot who will literally argue with other fans about how they are enjoying Star Wars incorrectly. What a waste of energy.

I spent the weekend prior to May the Fourth moving thirty tubs full of Star Wars collectibles out of our storage unit and into our garage.

When we moved into our new house back in 2018, my Star Wars collection had no place to live. There was no place in the house for it all, and no room for it in the garage will all the other moving boxes. For over a year, I’ve had 30 tubs full of Star Wars collectibles (along with an old Christmas tree, an arcade cabinet, and several other boxes) in storage. Now that the backyard workshop is complete, things are beginning to shift. I’d like to compare the moving of boxes to Tetris, although it feels more like an avalanche at the moment.

Over the weekend, Susan and I made eight separate trips to and from the storage unit, which fortunately is only three miles from our house. For a couple of hours I loaded, transported, unloaded and stacked tubs full of toys. I peeked inside a few of the tubs and I won’t lie, each time I opened one felt a little like Christmas.

When I was a kid, finding some of these same toys and action figures under the tree where Santa had left them, I never imagined owning so many toys would be such a burden. And maybe burden’s not exactly the right word, but I just spent a thousand dollars storing a bunch of toys I haven’t seen in over a year and threw out my back moving them.

I don’t know exactly where in the new house my collection will land. Some of it may end up on display in my office, some will end up out in the theater, and there’s a possibility some of it may get passed on to another collector. It’s a bummer that I haven’t been able to reopen everything yet, but on May the Fourth I was able to share in other’s fandom by viewing the pictures they shared.

May the Fourth be with you all!

Star Wednesday: McDonald’s X-Wing Fighters

I haven’t written a “Star Wednesday” article in several months because all of my Star Wars collectibles are tucked away in a storage unit. “Out of sight, out of mind,” so to speak. Last weekend, my wife helped put together a fundraising garage sale for the Girl Scouts. While we were dropping off donations, I spied these two miniature X-Wing fighters in a bargain bin, and picked them up.

After doing a bit of research, I found that these X-Wings were released in McDonald’s Happy Meals back in 2010. There were eight toys in all: four figures (Anakin, Yoda, Darth Vader and R2-D2) and four ships (Jedi Starfighter, Republic Gunship, the Millennium Falcon, and X-Wing Fighter). Each of the character figures came with a temporary tattoo and a plastic clip to attach them to your belt loop.

As you can see, the toys I picked up mostly/kinda resemble an X-Wing fighter. These toys did not include the ship’s iconic laser cannons that normally extended from the wings, so while it doesn’t look exactly like the ones that appeared on screen, in a somewhat ironic way, it resembles many of the Kenner toys kids owned after the cannons fell off and were lost. Without those cannons and with no moving parts, there’s really nothing to break here. I do think a tiny dab of blue paint on the R2 unit would have gone a long way.

McDonalds X-Wing Fighter

Originally each McDonald’s ship came with a small plastic key that, when inserted into the rear of the vehicle, would launch it into hyperspace. (With earth’s gravity, that equates to about four feet.)

I realize this is not the most exciting Star Wars toy in the world, but I do kind of enjoy the idea that a few angled pieces of plastic and a dash of orange is instantly recognizable as an X-Wing fighter.

I won’t be playing with this toy much. I’m not going to be rolling it around or running around the house making “pew-pew” noises while waving it through the air. What I will do, however, is set them near my computer — maybe next to my monitor, somewhere where I can see it. Even though it’s nothing more than a tiny little piece of plastic, it’s enough to remind me of my stuff, and some great movies, until I have the time and space to unpack and display everything the way it was.

My Intergalactic Tubs Runneth Over

“Do you really need that many tubs for your Star Wars stuff?” she asked.

I can’t remember which part I hid from her — that I’d already used the ten tubs I had from the last time we moved, that I’d already bought and filled ten more, or that I needed another ten to finish packing — but by the time all the tubs had been filled, there was no hiding the hoard.

Until we get settled, there’s a chance my Star Wars collection may remain in storage for a few months. I don’t want my things to get crushed. I don’t want them to get wet. I don’t want them to get nibbled on by mice. I want them safe, protected from the elements and curious critters.

The tubs have escaped from the room and now fill the hall leading to the stairs and the landing outside my room. Forty years of collectibles.

The tubs don’t contain anything else. There are no books, no clothes, no pots and pans or anything else in the tubs. Just toys.

A few of the tubs hold things I never want to part with. Most of them hold things that surrounded the things I never want to part with. A few of them hold things I don’t remember buying.

I’ll be moving thirty tubs full of Star Wars toys to the new house. How many of them make it out of storage and into the new house, I’m not sure.

Star Wednesday: Imperial Troop Transporter / Imperial Cruiser

By 1979, Kenner must have been panicking. Owning the toy rights to the Star Wars franchise was essentially like being able to print their own money. Kids were lining up at toy stores across the country with cash in hand, eager to purchase any and every action figure the company released. We’re not just talking Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader here. Some of the first figures released included Power Droid, a small box with legs whose only line in the movie was the noise “gonk,” and Death Star Droid, a silver robot who had no dialog at all.

And while it seemed a lot of obscure characters could be mined from the film and turned into action figures, there weren’t as many ships. There were X-Wings and TIE Fighters, Luke’s Landspeeder and Han’s Millennium Falcon… but what after that?

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when someone at Kenner suggestioned, “we’ll just come up with our own!” The outcome of that meeting was the Imperial Troop Transporter, later known as the Imperial Cruiser.

Because the Imperial Troop Transporter did not appear on screen in Star Wars, Kenner included a brief comic book in the box explaining to kids what the vehicle was, and how it fit into the Star Wars universe. Apparently not all Stormtroopers wandering around Tatooine were riding on the backs of dinosaur-like Dewbacks. Some of the imperial troops were being transported in… well, an Imperial Troop Transporter.

As the name suggests, the vehicle’s primary function is to move figures around. The front of the vehicle has two suicide doors (one per side) with a cool detailed console between the two front seats. Down the sides of the vehicle are a total of six “buckets” designed to carry action figures. The buckets are a little narrow, which means older vintage figures (like the original Stormtrooper) fit better than some of the later figures that featured a wider stance.

Electronically, the Imperial Troop Transporter was Kenner’s most advanced toy at the time. The top of the toy featured six red buttons, each of which played a sound when pressed. Inside the vehicle was a tiny record player, spun by a tiny motor and powered by a single battery. Sand from sandboxes across America that kids used to simulate the desert planet this vehicle came from was not kind to the sound mechanism, and most of these have failed over time (although it is possible to restore them with a bit of work).

The rear of the transport contained a black panel that also flipped open. Originally, there were two black “immobilization units” that could be placed over the heads of prisoners being transported. Without those, a couple of smaller figures (or one, uncomfortably folded up) could also fit in the rear compartment.

A couple of years after the release of the Imperial Troop Transporter, Kenner made some cost-saving to the toy by removing all the electronics and rebranding it as the Imperial Cruiser. Some of the decals (most noticeable the ones on the front doors) were changed and the red buttons were removed, but other than that, the vehicle looks essentially the same.

Although the Imperial Troop Transporter wasn’t one of Kenner’s most popular Star Wars vehicles, somehow over the years, I’ve ended up with three of them. One is the boxed transport I posted above. The second is this beater, which I’ve been using as a pen holder for the past fifteen years.

The third one, the one I leave out on display and the one that I used for the photographs above, is the one I got when I was a little kid, after I already owned an X-Wing and a TIE Fighter, Luke’s Landspeeder and Han’s Millennium Falcon. I didn’t mind at all that the Imperial Troop Transporter didn’t actually appear in the films. In fact, it was the opposite — it showed kids like me that there was an entire world that took place off screen, and sent our imaginations soaring.

Star Wednesday: Happy Father’s Day Sign

Star Wars is just about the last movie people should associate with Father’s Day. Young Anakin Skywalker didn’t even have a father (unless you count midichlorians). In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin attacked and mortally wounded his pregnant wife, Padme. Later, as Darth Vader, he attempted to kill his children (Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa) on multiple occasions. Leia’s son, Ben Solo (aka Kylo Ren), murdered his own father, Han Solo, in cold blood.

Which makes this hand-painted sign from my daughter so much more enjoyable.

The least interesting items in my Star Wars collection are the things without stories or memories. The random action figures and toys without pedigrees are just taking up space in my room at this point. It’s the action figures worn from play, the childhood records scratched from listening to them over and over, and the toy catalogs with dog-eared corners from flipping through them hundreds of times while wishing and dreaming that have the most value to me now.

A couple of years ago, Morgan, now twelve years old, commandeered the old dining room in the back of the house and turned it into her personal art studio. I believe this was painted there. I don’t know if the sign’s actual design is original or not — sometimes the kids duplicate things they see online — but I haven’t seen another one like it. Although it’s a little difficult to see on the black background, there are two lightsabers to the left of Vader’s riding helmet.

I think what makes this sign more special to me than anything is that Morgan isn’t a big fan of Star Wars. I recently quizzed her about the films and while she can rattle off most of the major plot points, she can’t recall watching any of the classic films (either the original trilogy or the prequels) from beginning to end. The kids “like” Star Wars, but it wasn’t the genre-defining event that it was for a lot of people my age.

But the fact that she painted something Star Wars-related for me, knowing that she doesn’t love it and that I do, makes it a pretty good gift, and a permanent addition to the collection.

Star Wednesday: Scout Walker/AT-ST

Sometimes it’s hard to believe I didn’t own every single Star Wars toy produced by Kenner as a kid. I suppose it had to do with the finite number of birthdays and Christmases that fell between 1978 and 1985. Truth be told, as early as 1983 I was already beginning to lose interest in the Kenner toys, which narrows that window even further.

The AT-ST, which goes by several names, is one of those vintage toys I didn’t own. AT-ST stands for All Terrain Scout Transport, but the original box identified it a Scout Walker. Colloquially, most people know the two-legged vehicle as a “chicken walker.” The AT-ST made its debut in The Empire Strikes Back during the Battle of Hoth, and was featured much more prominently in Return of the Jedi during the Battle of Endor against the Ewoks.

Vintage Star Wars AT-ST/Scout Walker from Kenner. Photo by Rob O'Hara

Despite all that talk about being armored, Ewoks — the teddy bears of the Star Wars universe — had no difficulty taking out multiple AT-STs. In Jedi, one is tripped by a stream of fallen trees, while another one gets its armored head smashed in by a couple of logs. A third one explodes when it is shot by a fourth that has been commandeered by Chewbacca and a couple of Ewoks. It’s a little hard to take the AT-ST seriously when an army of Care Bears are able to take them out of commission so quickly.

Kenner’s Scout Walker, originally released with Empire Strikes Back packaging in 1982 and re-branded as a Return of the Jedi toy in 1983, doesn’t hold up much better. In an attempt to make the toy more interactive, Kenner added a unique walking-mechanism to the toy. A button on the back of the walker actually makes the legs move up and down. Through normal play over time, the legs loosen to the point where getting the metal chicken to stand on its own becomes increasingly difficult. Even with the small tab on the rear of the unit slid into the “stand” position, the walker leans as if it has downed one too many mugs of space ale in the cantina.

Like most vintage Kenner vehicles, the AT-ST is off in regards to scale. In the films, the AT-ST stood 30′ tall. Kenner’s version is 11″ tall. If a Luke action figure is 3 3/4″ tall and Mark Mark Hamill is 5’9″, that would make this one just over 16′ tall, or about half of what it should be. Regardless, it doesn’t look terribly off when standing next to vintage action figures. While the AT-ST in the film has enough room for a pilot and co-pilot, this scaled down version only has enough room for one figure. The small cut out windows on the side of the cockpit are a nice touch.

Vintage Star Wars AT-ST/Scout Walker from Kenner. Photo by Rob O'Hara

For anyone looking to pick up a vintage AT-ST, there are lots of things to look for. Mounted to the head are four guns — one under the chin, one on top, and one on each side — all of which easily disconnect and can become lost. There’s also a two part hatch on top that tends to get lost. Ordering any of these missing parts through eBay can cost you close to the cost of a complete AT-ST toy, so if having a 100% complete toy is important to you, check thoroughly before purchasing. Finally, you’ll want to check those legs and make sure the walker has enough stamina left to stand on its own accord.

The Scout Walker looks great when displayed next to its bigger brother, the four-legged AT-AT, and goes well with any of the Hoth or Endor line of toys. I’m glad I was able to find this one and add it to the collection.

Solo Adventures with the Family (Spoiler Free)

Susan, the kids, and I made a whirlwind trip to Denver this weekend to attend a wedding. Due to the timing I didn’t expect to be able to see Solo: A Star Wars Story until we got back, which would have broken my streak of seeing every Star Wars film since 1980’s The Empire Strikes Back opening day. Due to a a stroke of luck (or was it the Force?) the house we rented for the weekend was right down the street from an Alamo Drafthouse movie theater, and, somehow, Susan was able to obtain four tickets for a Saturday morning showing of Solo.

For those unfamiliar, Alamo Drafthouse is a chain of movie theaters that prides themselves in offering the best possible experience to movie goers. The audio and video quality are top notch, the chairs are comfortable, they serve food and drinks, and perhaps most important of all, they have a zero tolerance for people talking or using their cell phones during their films. First time offenders receive a warning; get caught a second time and you’ll be escorted from the theater to the lobby without receiving a refund. Nothing ruins the moving-going experience more quickly for me than than people making noise or playing on their phone in a dark theater. There are only two dozen Alamo Drafthouse theaters across the country, and unfortunately the nearest ones to me are in the Dallas area. If there were one in Oklahoma City, I’d go every weekend.

In the lobby of the theater was a cardboard mock up of the Millennium Falcon’s cockpit. In the movies, the Falcon exists in a perpetual state of repair, held together with duct tape and a bit of luck. The cardboard version, even on opening weekend, wasn’t in much better shape. The steering yolk on one side had already fallen off and been neatly stowed next to the pilot’s seat. Like the version that appears in the film, it took a well placed smack with my fist to get the lights to turn on. As fun as it was to pose for a couple of pictures inside the thing, if anyone was counting on this version to get them past an Imperial blockade, they had better hope there’s a plan B.

Once we found our seats, we were treated to 15-20 minutes of Star Wars clips prepared by the Alamo Drafthouse. There were vintage Kenner Star Wars commercials, other characters they thought deserved their own one-off anthology film (I would totally go see a Nien Numb film!), and this hilarious clip in which Alamo employees were tasked to draw a Stormtrooper helmet from memory.

Right on time, the film started. Steering far from spoilers, I’ll just say that the film was good. I didn’t think it necessarily raised the franchise to new heights, nor did I think it hurt its reputation as some before it have. It’s an origin story, and many fans (like myself) are already familiar with many of the legends. Pretty much everything from Han’s past that has been alluded to in any of the other films is addressed here. I’ve seen people refer to Solo online as a “space western,” and they’re not wrong; from “putting the gang together” to “pulling off the heist” and figuring out just who to trust, if one were to remove the steady stream of Star Wars references designed to placate even the most die hard fans, the plot itself could easily be recycled into a Saturday afternoon Western.

By the time the movie was over, a local retailer had set up tables full of Star Wars wares in the lobby, no doubt designed to take advantage of nostalgia stirred up by the film. Morgan, without being prompted, said, “Dad, I think you already have everything here.”

Once outside, we saw something else set up in the parking lot — the Millennium Falcon Experience. Unlike the cardboard version of Han Solo’s ship on display in the lobby, this was a detailed replica of the ship’s cockpit. Mason did some exploring and discovered that it was free to examine, so after a few minutes in line, the four of us were able to check it out.

Due to a growing crowd, we were limited to 60 seconds inside the cockpit — nowhere near enough time to flip all the switches, press all the buttons, examine all the lights and simply take in the beauty of the construction. I’m sure after five minutes the tape and wiring used to pull off the illusion would have fallen apart, but the minute I was in there went fast, and before I knew it we were being whisked back out the way we came.

Star Wednesday: Remote Controlled Speeder Bike Drone

Star Wars Remote Controlled Speeder Bike

About a month ago, I found myself wandering through what remained of my local Toys R Us. The shelves weren’t completely bare, but I certainly wasn’t the first middle-aged nerd to show up in hopes of getting a good bargain. I told my wife I was only there to look, but when I ran across this thing… “look,” I said as it jumped right into my cart!

Speeder Bikes, ridden by Imperial Biker Scouts, have always been my favorite vehicles from the Star Wars universe. They’re essentially hovering motorcycles with jet engines — what’s not to like? If (somehow) you haven’t seen Return of the Jedi or aren’t sure what a speeder bike is, here you go:

I’ve already covered my LEGO Biker Scouts on a previous Star Wednesday, and last year I wrote a post discussing all the Biker Scouts and Speeder Bikes I own, which looked like this at the time:

All of these speeder bikes have one thing in common: they can’t fly. They require the imagination of a child (or *cough* middle-aged-man *cough*) to make them go.

Now, I have one that flies.

The Remote Controlled Speeder Bike Drone by Air Hogs looks slightly different than all my other speeder bikes. The bike’s main body along with the Biker Scout seated on top look familiar, but what’s different are those four plastic fans protruding from the corners in the shape of an X, the telltale sign of a drone.

Despite the bike’s solid looks, the majority of the body (and rider) are actually lightweight foam with plastic coverings added. In the film, bikers raced through the forest of Endor (California’s Redwood National Park) at over a hundred miles per hour, dodging gigantic trees and Rebellion laser blasts. In reality, this vehicle might not survive a collision with a chain link fence at a moderate clip. Soldiers, you’ve been warned.

Star Wars Remote Controlled Speeder Bike

The back of the box mentions one of the drone’s most interesting features: Height-Lock. Because drones have x, y, and z-axes to control and human beings only have two thumbs, some drones, depending on their remote control, come with a steep learning curve. Height-Lock “locks” the z-axis (the drone’s height from the ground) by using small ultrasonic speakers. The system’s not perfect, but over a hard surface like a driveway or a sidewalk, it’s good enough and will allow you to focus on the other two axes — speed and steering.

So, full confession time — I haven’t opened mine yet, but I’m planning to. This drone is big enough that it’ll be more fun to fly outside, but at only two pounds, even a medium wind gust would be enough to overthrow the Empire. When the conditions are right, I do plan to take it out on its maiden voyage. Until then, here’s a video someone else uploaded to YouTube of their own drone flying. I can’t wait to try mine!

Star Wednesday: Chewbacca Bandolier Strap

Kenner was truly a marketing genius, realizing early on that kids buying action figures would also need things to hold, store, and transport action figures. In the late 70s and early 80s, Kenner made several different types and styles of carrying cases for kids. The earliest cases were essentially little vinyl briefcases that held two dozen action figures. Then there were those large plastic sculpted busts of Darth Vader and C-3P0 that opened up and held even more figures. Kenner made lots of different storage cases, some more successful than others. One of the oddest ones they produced was this one, based on the bandolier strap Chewbacca wore in Star Wars.

Some of the issues with this toy are immediately obvious. The biggest one is, it only held ten action figures. I suppose that’s enough if you only used the strap to carry a few figures over to a friend’s house for an afternoon of Star Wars-ing, but even then some hard decisions would have to be made as to which figures would make the trip. Keep in mind that every other Kenner carrying case held between 20 and 40 figures.

Another problem with the Chewbacca Bandolier Strap is that the figures are held in place by foam. It looks like it worked in the pictures well enough, but no kid worth his weight in Bantha poo doo would have trusted his most valuable figures to stay put in that strap. Imagine riding your bike with this bandolier strap fully populated, only to discover half the figures had fallen out by the time you reached your pal’s house!

And, about that foam — over time, it has disintegrated. Kenner used foam on several of their playsets (bits of foam were used to simulate trash in their Death Star toy and quicksand in the Dagobah playset) and it just didn’t last. In their defense, I doubt very much Kenner expected people to still have these toys 40 years later and never intended for the foam to last this long. On almost every one of these Chewbacca Bandolier Straps, the foam has either completely disappeared, or become so brittle that it turns into a black, gritty dust upon touch.

I didn’t own one of these in the 1980s. By the time the Chewbacca Bandolier Strap was released I already had one of the vinyl carrying cases (which held 24 figures), a Darth Vader case (which held 31 figures), and a Rebel Troop Transport (which held 24 figures). And while the kid on the box looks really happy standing around wearing that thing, in my world it would have screamed “here’s a nerd’s ass that could use some kicking.” No thanks.

Kenner marketed the Chewbacca Bandolier Strap as both a carrying case and a play toy for kids, and at only $4.91 it was probably a good deal, but it never really resonated with me. It held fewer figures than any other carrying case released and didn’t protect your figures at all. And as far as play toys go… no offense to Wookies, but I can’t imagine a lot of kids clamoring to be Chewbacca.